Thursday, August 21, 2008

Book week!

On week five it was Book Week. And on Tuesday the whole school had to dress up in a character that was to do with the book that they had. Some people dressed up as Harry Potter and they looked exactly like him. And Aoife won a book because she dressed up the best in the middle school. I dressed up as Jack Stalwart. But the fun part was the opening ceremony when we showed everyone our costumes.

By Edward and photos by Sunny


Room 19 Fendalton School said...

I was Abery from Charlotte's web.

from John

Room 19 Fendalton School said...

I was Zac power.

from Flynn

Room 19 Fendalton School said...

Good work Edward

By Edward B

Room 19 Fendalton School said...

I was Matilda.

By sophie

Room 19 Fendalton School said...

I was a cowgirl from romeo cowgirl the magic rope. from Helena