Her own pet, Old Tom, was very well behaved. He wore a blue jersey as dark as the night. He has a hat as black as coal. He wears a rosy red bandana if he is happy (that is nearly all the time!). He has the bushiest, scruffiest & whitest, in the village actually in all the country! He even smokes a pipe but I would of thought he would have a grey beard from all that smoke. To keep his patchy pants up he wears a belt that is as disgustingly brown as a muddy shoe(that might have been in a yucky situation).He has a smile like the most wonderful thing in the world.
He is a BRILLIANT fisher he fishes exactly like a shark. He might even turn into one when he fishes & leaves a fake behind. He takes his net EVERYWHERE!
‘He is a very good pet’ says Mowzer. He is really her owner!!! He NEVER has stepped on beer tail or spilled beer on her. Every night they have fish. Tonight we are having..... A MOULDY BOOT!!!! The end. By Sarah Kate.
Great Sarah! I really liked your description. I wish I could write like that!
From Aoife.
Great stuff ,excellent adjectives.
From Sophie.
Good job Sarah. Excellent description!!!
That was a cool story Sarah!!!!
Great work.
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