A red boring carpet. A red burning fire, Or plastic red chair.
Red is violent. Red is danger. Red is suspicious. Red has life. Red is like strawberry ice cream in a huge bowl all liquidy just sitting there waiting to be eaten.
Think of something red. A poison berry? A devil, Or vampires teeth? Red is danger. Red is blood. Red is a never ending bush fire. Red has no answer at all. Red is like a demon with a Machete about to attack its prey. What is red ?
Think of something red. Blood, A fire, Or vampire teeth. Red is death, Red is a sun set, Red is a fire fighter man. Red has no meaning. Red is like a big balloon filling up with blood then letting go. WHAT IS RED? By Katie.B.
Think of something red. A DEMON. A convertible or blood. Red is like fire. Red is demons. Red is poison berries. Red has blood. Red is like a demon in hell with blood on its hands with a pike with a human head on it.
Think of something white A box of tissues? A pile of snow or a rubber swirling round.
White is a thick Twink just waiting to disappear. White is clouds swirling around the atmosphere . White is a sad polar bear sitting on the snow. White is a never ending room.
White has the never ending substance.
White is like swishing round in the white caps hoping to make more and thinking what to say next.
Yesterday on the 9.11.08 it was the school carnival and there was lots of things to do like get a face paint or something like that.My favorite thing was the candy floss because it was so nice.
On Sunday it was the school carnival, I got 5 jars, sherbet, a lolly bracelet etc etc. There was bouncy castles and even hydra strike! It went from 11:00 to 3:00, 4 hours. If we get enough money for the plan I'll be excited!!!
On Sunday 9th of November the school carnival was on. Their was a lot of games there. My brother won first prize on the chocolate wheel. He got:Four big bars of chocolate and a snicker bar.I saw Mr and Mrs Holland being dunked. Mr Holland made me wet.Lots of people from room 20 dunked Mr and Mrs Holland. Their was a lot of food there. The things i brought were:Popcorn ,Candy floss and some other things. I saw Mrs Holland at the chocolate wheel to. I had fun at the carnival.
On Sunday the 9.11.08 at Fendalton Open Air school we had a Carnival. I did a dance in my Pjs I did it with Bront'e Rm15, Sarah B Rm20 & others. It was called The Polar Express. My favorite thing was DUNK the teacher. I saw Marama getting dunked. My brother got a PC game that didn't work it was only 50c. I didn't get ANYTHING :( People went into the Police Car ( It was soo loud ) I saw Ashleigh, Katie & (Olivia, Sophie from a far distance ) Amine was watching me.
Prize Giving!!!!!! Inthe holidays I went to gym prize giving, I was a bit late but it didn't matter. I got most improved level 2b! afterwards I got a sausage from the front desk. YAY!!!!!!!!